The general belief is that earning by sitting at your home can only be done if you are a retired person, or disabled or a home maker. They call it part time income. The truth is that part time as full time income is possible from home. You needn't be retired or disabled also. Any one who knows how to type on the computer keyboard is eligible for such an income. The Internet came in long after people started working for their employers. So, be it an intolerable boss, dicey H.R policies, a colleague playing pranks or a cup of bitter coffee from the office coffee maker, people have learned to dodge, avoid and absorb unwanted situations at office. The pay day at the end of the month and a couple of yearly benefits however, is not the sole reason why nobody decided to do away with jobs and work from home. The reason is - absence of the Internet and absence of knowledge about available work.
Times have changed now. Progressive people have now realized that they can earn the same ? if not more by working from home. The important part is you can do babysitting and work at the same time when your wife is out at the shopping mall. Here are some of the benefits of working from home.
? Your family cannot complain about you not being at home for most of the time. You can be a part of your family as much as your kid wants you to be.
? No more tiring work schedules. At office you can't go out too often to take a fag. You have fixed lunch hours, fixed pay, but no fixed amount of work. You want to say something about increments and incentives? Do you remember the last lime you had them? If you do then you know that they appear once in a blue moon. Home based work allows you to work according to your own schedules. You are the boss. You decide the pay, you decide the work load and you decide which work to do and what to refuse. All of this comes without that tie choking your windpipe.
? You can even earn from what you are best at. No one will define your job. If you are good at creating a character that can put Mickey Mouse to shame, you can actually take up freelancing work related to multimedia and animation.
If all of this sounds good then you must be wondering "how to get work"? That's pretty simple. Look out for freelancing opportunities on the Internet. There's enough work to suite everybody's need. Try bidding on the projects available; observe how experienced freelancers are portraying their strengths to the buyers; seek help from freelancer communities and well, you are almost done. The first step would trigger thoughts about whether or not you are taking the right decision, but, once you have your hands full, you wouldn't regret.
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